
Travel to Paris Tuesday, December 12th 2032
and Return December 20th 2023
Spend Seven Nights in Paris

(This year we are traveling BEFORE the Holidays – We found that Too Many venues are closed over the Holidays)

We’ve traveled to Paris for over a decade.
People ask: “Why do you go to Paris?“ (Why not London? Rome? Berlin?)

We like the culture, the history and the challenge of spending time in a place where we don’t speak the language. (though our French is improving) You will occasionally see charming decorations during the holiday season, but you won’t be overwhelmed by the commercial spectacle.

We respect the preservation of the language and culture. You will see French or European Union nationals staffing most of the establishments. Speaking French and respecting the proper French way of life is encouraged, lapsing into English or bad American habits is discouraged, even unacceptable.

There is also a preservation of architecture. Paris is one of the few horizontal cities, protected from skyscrapers. The city council set a 121 height limit on buildings, so you’ll ascend from the Metro in central Paris and be treated to a special place.

We go to experience all the things that make Paris different. If we buy a chocolate, it may be a chocolate flavored with something different than we would taste at home. If we buy a cheese, we hope it will taste different from anything at home. (and maybe be stinkier, earthy and riper)

We really get-around Paris over 10 days. Traveling can be arduous and exhausting at times, but if you are of our mindset – it can be that rewarding adventure that we look-forward-to each year.

The itinerary is vigorous, so pack light and efficiently with only a carry-on bag. We stay in five different hotels during the week, and travel among various arrondisements. Buy a Paris Museum Pass to join our excursions.

We travel mostly by Metro but also pedal the Vélib’ (bike-share) and ambulate afoot, which is the best way to “get-lost” and then really discover Paris

There are several benefits associated with joining this group, but in-the-end you will have People in Paris – to share daily experiences, visit a café, take in a movie or tour the Opera House. You always have the option of spending a day on your own, but you also might suggest a departure from the group itinerary.

Paris Itinerary

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