Aux Lyonnais

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Aux Lyonnais (Alain Ducasse)
32 Rue Saint Marc
Maybe just go for desert (Chartreuse Souffle)
(closed over the holidays)

We don’t spend much time in Paris going to fancy restaurants. I took a career detour to culinary school, spent seven years as a chef in high-end restaurants and am not easily impressed by salty, rich, fatty foods. However during a rare lunch at an Alain Ducasse restaurant, I had a Chartreuse Souffle for desert which made a lasting impression. An exquisitely executed souffle, flavored with the perfect amount of Chartreuse liquor.

aux lyonnais

While in Paris for the Marathon, we wore running shoes to Aux Lyonnais and were seated back in the empty bar area

10 Common Ordering Mistakes People Make in Paris Restaurants David Lebovitz
Does the Affordable Paris Bistro Still Exist? Oui. Mark Bittman, New York Times (2005)
A list of our own restaurant mistakes and suggestions

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